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姜姜: 太厉害了!!
时翩翩: [表情]
; 该结束🔚
时光流逝不留人 🥸
Time may heal but not forgotten.
Gotta let go when things ends.
Sometimes, I wonder what may keep us around was the guilt that holds.
Therefore, be useless. When you proven yourself up to no use, nobody can get hold on you.
Keep it up on being useless.
You will definitely be a free soul 😌
#inMyFeelings# #再见#inMyFeelings#心情#inMyFeelings#心情日记#
星犽: 👍
放棄一個人的感覺大概就是,再見還會心動, 還會去喜歡,只是不再去強求擁有。一轉身,如釋重負,一轉眼,淚流滿面。心中有太多的不捨,但也不得不捨。有時候選擇放棄一個人,不是不愛了,只是無可奈何的結果。不是不痛,只是痛得猶如萬箭穿心卻要忍住。思而不語,念而不忘,想而不見,有些人終是可望,可念,但不可及。
曦: [表情]