175 人参与
It's a New Year, lovelies! Let's go beyond our fears, beyond what we know and achieve vision. #inspire# [/016]
Tess: How does she go up for oxygen? Or does she have divers supervising?
My sis was feeling discouraged. So, I sent her this. Sharing it with anyone that might need a picker-upper. Let me be that Light. #inspire#
Susy: 👌🏼
Part of my meal goes towards helping at-risk youth. ✌☀️ ️Great start to my day! #inspire#
Lancelot: Looks grrrrrreat
@Zen Xest, heard you're feeling sad so sending positive vibe your way! 🏹💘 #inspire#
I feel like this is appropriate. For all of you that's feeling down right now, you're the pilot. #talkaboutwhatever# # #