71 人参与
Getting some sun ☀️ & connecting 🎴 #coronacation# #tarotreader#coronacation#poetry#coronacation#sunshine#tarotreader#teatime#
Sunbathing my tarot cards ☀️🎴✨ #coronacation# #stayhome#coronacation#covid-19#coronacation#tarotreader#
Sometimes you just need a break... a delicious break 😂 but really it actually tastes good 🤗 #coronacation# #stayhome#coronacation#foodie#
My first attempt at making bagels 🥯 & they’re pretty awesome if I do say so myself 😊 #covid-19# #coronacation#covid-19#homemade#
Wadadliwitch: Sure. I don’t mind sharing😄
Getting back to my childhood with an adult coloring book 🖍 #coronacation# #socialdistancing#coronacation#covid-19#
Continuing coronacation with more delicious but fattening food 😋 I feel like a chef 😆 #coronacation# #socialdistancing#coronacation#cooking#coronacation#covid19#
Coronacation is making me cook more than usual. At least I’m good at it😜😋 #stayhome# #coronacation#stayhome#delicious#