162360 人参与
安茲楔ᯓ✈︎李多慧: 出去約會吧,多看點
久夏青: [表情]
"if you live in a tubi world, you don't have to touch the tubi gas. This is actually very difficult to achieve. In the face of todays unhealthy atmosphere, distorted thinking, and an arduous world that follows the trend of speculation, there are indeed a lot of ideas that need to be fundamentally changed. It is one of the ideas to inspire yourself every day to do a good job of yourself and have the ability to talk about helping others. In this world, having good spiritual strength is rare. Just like an unfinished painting, awareness is enhanced inside the frame, and diversification is needed outside the frame. To deal with anything, you must first learn what is good and positive. See more strengths than weaknesses in others. No 1 is perfect, no matter how great he is. Keep learning the advantages of others, you will make yourself better! Knowing how to appreciate, is a kind of wisdom. ✨🍷
Dear-murat🦊: 可是好难
🎧Sam 🎯Cheung🍺: 利害啊👍👍👍但我不懂😂😂😂是我女朋友做的